Washington released a statement “putting Iran on notice” for its ‘destabilizing behavior across the Middle East” following Iran’s illegal missile tests.

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After a ‘very warm conversation,’ Trump invited Netanyahu to Washington to discuss close cooperation in a number of areas.

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Not only has the Iranian threat to Israel not subsided since the signing of the US-led nuclear deal, but the Islamic Republic has become even more brazen in its mockery of America. By: Barney Breen-Portnoy/The Algemeiner Iran demonstrated once again on Wednesday that its animus toward Israel has not abated in the wake of the… Read more »

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President Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with Iran was sweetened with an illicit ransom payment and billions of dollars for the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism – all done in secret, hidden from the American people and from Congress.

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The US State Department denied a document revealing Iran’s ability to go nuclear sooner than originally understood was secret, even though the public was not made aware of its existence.

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In what appears to be a confirmation of Israel’s suspicions that the Obama administration deceived the public regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal signed last year, a new document has surfaced revealing that Iran can reach the bomb sooner and quicker.

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A $1.7 billion payment by the US to Iran that coincided with the release of American hostages in January is helping Tehran boost its military budget by 90% in the next year. Some US lawmakers are concerned that the money was in fact a ransom payment by the Obama administration.

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The UN International Atomic Energy Agency claims Iran is now honoring all of its obligations under the nuclear deal signed last year. But is this true? And is the IAEA assessment really reliable?

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‘With 60 percent of the population below the age of 30, the Arab world is characterized by its vast youth population.’ A comprehensive poll of the trends among young Arabs in the Middle East also shows that a majority reject ISIS.

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In an address during a National Army Day parade on Sunday, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani praised Iran’s role in helping Syria and Iraq, saying “if tomorrow your capitals face danger from terrorism or Zionism, the power that will give you a positive answer is the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

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Last year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin and expressed Israel’s “grave concerns” regarding the deal. Netanyahu stressed the sale will “only encourage Iranian aggression in the region” and “further undermine the stability of the Middle East.”

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