Entrance to synagogue in Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Paris. (Google Maps) (Google Maps)
Synagogue in Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Paris

In the latest anti-Semitic attack in Paris, 14 Jews were poisoned by a non-lethal chemical substance upon entering a synagogue.

Fourteen Jews were poisoned at a synagogue in the southeastern Paris suburb of Bonneuil-sur-Marne on Monday evening.

Upon arriving for a meeting, according to several French news sources, they suddenly felt a strong burning sensation in their eyes and developed itchy rashes on their skin.

Responding to an emergency call, 25 firefighters rushed to the building and discovered that the source was a digital-coded lock coated with the substance, which they described as a “nonlethal irritant.”

The synagogue is protected when open for services, and it is therefore assumed that the poison was applied when there were no guards at the premises.

Last week, thousands attended a festive Chanukah concert in Paris in defiance of the Islamic terror in the city. The event also commemorated the yahrzeit (anniversary of death, according to the Hebrew calendar) of the victims of the terror attacks at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in January 2014.