Netanyahu slammed Abbas for claiming that Palestinian children are raised in an atmosphere of peace, when in fact they are taught hate and violence.

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The study, by IMPACT-se, showed that Israeli textbooks see peace as the ultimate goal. The books acknowledge a Palestinian presence in Israel before 1948, the development of a national Palestinian identity and different aspects of the Palestinian narrative, rationale and experiences, including Palestinian suffering.

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Facebook demonstrates a clear pro-Palestinian bias when it comes to online incitement and Israeli experiments have proven this. Numerous Israelis have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists thanks to online incitement spread through Facebook. Insist that Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook take action!

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During the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, ‘[Abbas] last week again proved… that he is not interested in direct negotiations with Israel… I think that people can conclude from this who wants to advance peace and a peace process – and who does not.’

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A video released by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows how Palestinians are encouraged to terrorize and inflict deadly violence on Israelis.

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IDF troops raided several institutions in Judea and Samaria and seized Palestinian propaganda materials in a continuation of its crackdown on incitement.

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