(San Francisco Hillel)
Yom Haatzmaut San Francisco Hillel

As Israel celebrates its 67th birthday with Wednesday’s Independence Day, students and faculty members across many American college campuses are marking the day known in Hebrew as “Yom Ha’atzmaut.”

Yom Haatzmaut

Yom Haatzmaut

Despite the growth of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel on university campuses, there is still a significant amount of support for Israel on campus according to a recent report by the Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC).

“The diversity of the students and campuses holding Israel Independence Day events this year only solidifies what our research has been saying for months—pro-Israel students will not allow the hatred of anti-Israel activists to divide their campuses,” said ICC Executive Director Jacob Baime. “These students, backed by a strong coalition of national organizations, faculty, and alumni, are enlarging the pro-Israel movement’s campus footprint every day.”

Israel Independence Day events are being sponsored by Jewish and pro-Israel organizations including the ICC, Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, A Wider Bridge, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, Chabad on Campus International, Christians United for Israel, The David Project, Hasbara Fellowships, Hillel International, Jewish National Fund, Jerusalem U, and StandWithUs.

By: JNS.org