PM Benjamin Netanyahu (r) and Education Minister Naftali Bennett with Oriah Cohen and Azriel Shalit at the annual Bible Quiz held at the Jerusalem Theatre on Israel’s Independence Day, April 19, 2018. (Shlomi Cohen/FLASH90)

A love story of biblical proportions! According to reports, the couple has been together since the competition on Independence Day 2018.

Azriel Shilat, International Bible Quiz for Youth winner in 2018, and runner up Oriah Cohen married on Sunday. The two met while competing in the contest and became engaged to each other in October.

Seventeen years old at the time, the two competitors battled over bible questions on Israel’s Independence Day in 2018. Following lightning-speed rounds, Shilat beat Cohen by one question during the tiebreaker.

The teens, who were not yet a couple, stood on stage together and received their awards from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to reports, they have been together ever since.

When their engagement was announced, the Bible Quiz’s longtime host, Avshalom Kor, publicly congratulated the couple. “There is nothing as great as the Nation of Israel’s love for the Book of Books and the love of a bride and groom who love both the book and each other,” he said.

Both stem from Israel’s northern region. Shilat is a resident of Hatzor Haglilit and Cohen hails from Haifa.

Mazal Tov to the winning couple!