Good News Israel Archive

Good News Israel Archive from the week of February 15, 2015: Three million are united with Israel! Read further for more good news from Israel.

By Michael Ordman



Preventing hospital infections

Another Israeli company is countering the risk of contracting infections in hospital. Nano-Textiles coats hospital textiles (bed linen and clothing) with nano-particles of Zinc and Copper oxides that kill even antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Nano-Textiles plans to raise $3 million on Wall Street.

More good news for brain tumor patients

Here is a new report about the TTFields scalp device from Israel’s Novocure that slows the growth of brain tumors. (Previously reported in Nov 2014).

New devices to diagnose pneumonia

Two Israeli startups have received Israeli Government grants to develop their products for diagnosing pneumonia. RespiDX’s Respimometer has sensors to measure breathing. NanoVation-GS’s stick-on patch has a film with a nano-sensor to measure respiration.

Accurate injections

Israeli biotech SteadyMed has developed a disposable patch pump delivery system to administer medicines safely and accurately into the body. SteadyMed plans to raise $55 million on NASDAQ.

Crowdfunding helps solve rare disease mystery

Crowdfunding – funds from a large number of individuals over the Internet – have enabled researchers at Tel Aviv University to conduct Whole Exome Sequencing and identify the genetic mutation responsible for mental retardation and severe developmental delays in children.–health?=storyid4704=2160ncs4704=3

Joint medical research with UK

The Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange partnership (BIRAX) has pledged £3.2 million of funding for eight joint stem cell research projects to develop therapies for diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease and Multiple Sclerosis. UK Prime Minister David Cameron said the research “has the potential to change the lives of hundreds of millions of people.”



Taking care of teens at risk

The organization Crossroads, Jerusalem says it “takes teens off the streets and then puts them back on the street with an entire team behind them”. The team is running the Jerusalem marathon to raise funds for its Jerusalem center and new programs in Modi’in and Beit Shemesh.

Ethiopian orphan fulfills dream of becoming IDF officer

Worku Abiy arrived in Israel as an orphan at the age of 15, appearing in the documentary “Take Us Home”. Exempt from the IDF due to medical issues, he volunteered, and got exceptional basic training scores. Abiy later applied for and completed an officer’s course.,7340,L-4623303,00.html

Ebola Heroes

Israeli humanitarian organization IsraAID has set-up a program entitled “Ebola Heroes”. It provides psychosocial training to health workers, teachers, burial teams, policemen, social workers etc., so they can treat Ebola cases, while tackling the devastating effects of fear, trauma, extreme stress and stigma.

Israel hosts international seminar for judges

A 4-day international seminar for judges took place in Haifa recently. It focused on the central role of judges in combating human trafficking. Supporters included the UN, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the International Organization for Migration.



Personal hydroponics

Growing crops on water used to be only available to big industry. Now Israel’s Flux has developed a device that lets individuals and small businesses install hydroponics on rooftops, in school gardens, basements and even in restaurants. Flux’s product was demo’d at Israel’s Cann Tech conference.

5 research projects for joint US-Israeli funding

The MIT-Israel-BGU Seed Fund recently approved five joint research proposals involving scientists at MIT and at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. They cover water technology, spinal cord treatment, tomato seeds, online student training and photocurrent spectroscopy.

A new kind of security

Israel’s Team8 is developing novel solutions for the cyber security industry. Once it generates an idea, it helps launch a startup to build the solution and then moves on.

A truly Green Ride

Israel’s Green Ride has launched the INU – an electric scooter that makes commuting much easier. It folds automatically, recognizes its owner and has a range of 40km at speeds up to 25km/hour.

Solar power both day and night

Tel Aviv-based Brenmiller Energy will establish a 10-megawatt solar power station in Dimona, capable of generating electricity from solar energy for an average of 20 hours a day on a typical summer’s day. This is four times as many hours than any previous Israeli solar field.

Goggles that enhance reality

Israeli start-up RideOn has developed augmented reality goggles that superimpose a computer-generated image into the user’s view. Direct-to-eye display technology positions the transparent display directly over the eye, eliminating the need to look away or refocus in order to read the data.

Speeding up the mobile Internet

The CODS Mobile Edge Computing platform from Israel’s Saguna Networks increases mobile network speeds while reducing network congestion. Saguna has just received funds from Akamai Technologies and SoftBank Ventures Korea to help it expand in Asia, North America and Europe.

Developing alternate fuels with Italy

Through the Israel Fuel Choices Initiative (IFCI), Israel has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), Iveco (a Brand of CNH Industrial) and Magneti Marelli (FCA Group) for co-operation in the development of natural gas based technologies.



Budget surplus

Israel’s Ministry of Finance announced a 5.3 billion-shekel budget surplus for Jan 2015. Tax revenues were 2.3% higher than for Jan 2014 and have been growing by 4-5% each month.

Reinforcing the rain in Spain

A delegation of 11 Israeli water companies visited Spain, presenting technology such as filtering and purification to infrastructure companies. They impressed one Spanish multinational, Abengoa, which employs 26,000 employees in 80 countries.

Huge demand for Israeli hi-tech jobs

Impressive success in Israel’s high-tech industry boosted demand for employees by 12% in 2014, compared with 2013. Salaries of mobile developers rose by 10-30%.

A billion-dollar Israeli company

2014 earnings for Israel’s NICE Systems reached $1.0124 billion, up from $950 million for the previous year. NICE specializes in data and voice security and analysis.

Intel Israel exports $4.3b

Intel Israel’s exports totaled $4.25 billion in 2014 (up 10% on 2013) accounting for about 4% of Israel’s total exports of goods and services in 2014. Intel is spending around $800 million upgrading its factories in Kiryat Gat and $1.87 billion per annum in purchases from Israeli suppliers.

Israel Aerospace wins cyber security contracts

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) has won two cyber-security contracts worth tens of millions of dollars. IAI develops advanced cyber solutions for intelligence, protection, monitoring identification and accessibility.

Innovators meet Dealmakers

The Israel Dealmakers Summit 24-25 Mar 2015 in New York City promises thousands of global entrepreneurs, innovators, dealmakers and investors. It features world-class speakers and networking in the areas of Digital Media, Mobile & Wireless, CyberSecurity, Life Sciences and much more.

Tel Aviv encourages start-ups from abroad

Tel Aviv has 1,515 high tech companies that employ 43,000 workers. Now, Tel Aviv municipality subsidiary Global City is giving incentive packages to entrepreneurs from abroad in order to add knowledge, diversity, and become global – thus strengthening the economy.

Microsoft buys Israeli digital pen company

Multinational software giant Microsoft has bought Israel’s N-trig for an estimated $200 million. N-trig has developed a chip for a digital pen and computer screen interface.

Use an Israeli app to hail a UK taxi

UK readers will soon be able to use Israeli taxi app GetTaxi in seven UK cities. GetTaxi has been operating in London for 3 years and is expanding to Edinburgh, Liverpool and Manchester immediately. It will also launch in Birmingham, Leeds and Glasgow in the next few months. GetTaxi has also launched an app for smart-watches running the Android Wear operating system.

Apple CEO to inaugurate new Israeli HQ

Apple boss Tim Cook is coming to Israel to formally open Apple Israel’s new headquarters in Herzliya Pituach. Apple’s Israeli development center will house 800 Israeli employees, mainly from Apple’s purchases of Anobit, PrimeSense and from hiring ex-Texas Instruments staff.

Sodastream announces healthier beverages

Israel’s Sodastream is launching new lines of products made of all natural flavors and ingredients, less sugar and no preservatives. The reduced calorie, zero calories, nutritional supplements and lightly sweetened water series will be launched this spring, initially in Israel.



Opera at Masada

The Israeli Opera announced its fifth Masada Opera Festival in June, featuring “Tosca” by Giacomo Puccini and “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff, to be performed at the base of the historic mountain.

New stamps

Israeli stamps issued in Feb include the Philippine rescue of Jews from the Shoah, Ariel Sharon, Chess and Winter flowers.

Bringing shakshuka to Manhattan streets

Israeli friends Josh Sharon, Solomon Taraboulsi and Gabriel Israel have launched The Shuka Truck, serving shakshuka, the spicy Middle Eastern egg-and-tomatoes dish, on the streets of Manhattan. It contains free-range organic eggs, Israeli spices and is certified Kosher.

Tel Aviv is a top 10 Oceanfront City

Tel Aviv was chosen by National Geographic as one of the top ten-oceanfront cities in the world. It highlights plenty of room for beach bathing in this modern Israeli city and the vibrant gallery, café, and restaurant scene at the historic port of Jaffa.



36 bereaved girls hold bat mitzvot in Jerusalem

The Jewish welfare organization Colel Chabad hosted a bat mitzvah celebration for 36 girls who have lost a parent. Most of the parents died from illness or terror attacks.

Righteous gentile’s grandson finds his home is in Israel

Coss Weber is head physiotherapist at the Alyn hospital pediatric and adolescent rehabilitation facility in Jerusalem. Coss was born in a Dutch village – the grandson of a Righteous among the Nations, a person who risked his life to save Jews during the Holocaust.

Alongside Bnei Menashe: A personal journey

Laura Ben-David accompanied 250 members of the Bnei Menashe tribe of Northern India as they made their journey to Israel that they had dreamed of doing for nearly three millennia.

Starlings return to the Jewish State

After a long absence, short distance migrant starlings have started to return to Israel, a phenomenon that experts find difficult to explain. Watch a flock of synchronized starlings (known as a “murmuration”) form spectacular sights of dancing clouds in the skies of southern Israel.

3 million are united with Israel

United with Israel (UWI), the world’s largest grassroots pro-Israel community, is celebrating three-million supporters. The occasion will be marked in Jerusalem on Feb 18 and broadcast across the world. Founder Michael Gerbitz said, “we’ve been able to connect with millions of people – many in some of the most anti-Semitic countries – who are proud to stand united with Israel”.


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