Opponents of the nuclear deal at a Stop Iran Rally. (AP/Frank Franklin II) (AP/Frank Franklin II)
Stop Iran Rally


Help send the message that the Iran nuclear deal is NOT a good deal. Attend the rally on Wednesday September 9th (at 1pm) in Washington DC and let your voice be heard!


A major rally against the nuclear deal is planned for September 9, 2015 at 1:00pm, in front of the US Capitol.

Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump will be among the keynote speakers. We hope that legions of Americans of all party affiliations, ethnic backgrounds, ages and creeds will converge on Washington and unify to defeat the Iran Nuclear Deal.

The rally is sponsored by Tea Party Patriots, Center for Security Policy, the Zionist Organization of America and United with Israel, among others.

Encourage your family, friends and co-workers to attend this event and voice their opinion. The nuclear deal with Iran can still be stopped! It’s not too late!


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