AT&T ads

Social media sites allow terrorist groups to publish videos that incite to violence and murder. Are companies aware that their ads show up alongside online terror? Tell companies to demand that social sites stop promoting terror or they will stop running ads.


It’s bad enough that sites like Facebook and YouTube allow terrorist elements to incite to violence online. But what about the companies whose ads appear alongside these dangerous posts? Are the companies okay with their logo and ad showing up next to a call to murder Jews?

Assuming this is not the case, it is up to us to inform some of these companies that their ads are appearing in the wrong places. These companies will, hopefully, turn to the social media sites and insist on preventing their ads from being displayed alongside terror-inciting videos and posts.

This is where you come in. We need your help in contacting these companies to inform them how their ads are damaging and unacceptable. Tell them to wake up and ensure that their ads do not contribute to terror incitement, nor allow for profiteering from online terror.

You Can Help – Contact these Companies Today!

Contact AT&T on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ATT
Contact AT&T by phone: +1-800.331.0500 (USA)

Contact Honda on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Honda/
Contact Honda by phone: +1-800-999-1009 (USA)

Contact LL Bean on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/llbean/
Contact LL Bean by phone: +1-207-552-3051 (USA)

Israelis Under Attack - Donate

Our Achievements Prove Online Activism Works!

In another, separate effort, thousands of United with Israel supporters succeeded in getting Facebook to remove a video, and YouTube to remove multiple videos, that encouraged the murder of Jews. This is proof that our efforts work. Help us continue making a difference and join us in our effort to remove videos that incite to violence from popular social media websites.

Please fill out the form below and let us know if you contacted the companies about their terror-supporting ads!

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